The Early Ranks (Apprentice - Initiate)


Congratulations on getting the title of Apprentice! Now, at this point, I'd like to talk about donations. On the top right corner of the game page, you will notice two tabs that say "Marketplace" and "Donate". Well, the "Donate" button allows you to purchase cheese, crafting supplies, special items that will aid throughout your progress in the game but for the price of real cash. If you're willing to spend on the game (which will go to the developers and eventually help improve the game!), then go for it. However, this guide will walk you through the game without the need for donating.

Having said that, there is a trap that is available to new hunters via donation:

Shrink Ray Trap

1,000 power, 5% power bonus, 2% attraction bonus, 8 luck, fresh cheese effect

Cost: 45 kings credits (purchased from King Arms Trapsmith) or donate $1.00
Point Requirement: 0 points

A novel trap to have as a new hunter. It is much better than the mouse trebuchet and the mouse rocketine and will suffice as an excellent option until you get the swiss army mouse trap. It may even be used as a replacement for the swiss army mouse trap to some extent if you are short on gold. Otherwise, this trap gets outclassed very quickly later on.

Verdict: If $1.00 doesn't cost you anything, go for it! I'd personally wait till I have the swiss army.

Okay, so now what?

As an Apprentice, you can now head over to the Windmill! On reaching the Windmill, you will notice a speed gauge on the HUD. It will read 0 RPM. To increase the speed of the windmill, you will need to catch mice. As the speed increases over time, the mice caught will start packets of flour, which can be used to purchase grilled cheese in the windmill cheese shoppe. Grilled cheese is used to attract the boss of the windmill, the Captain Croissant Mouse! 

This should be your set-up:

Weapon: Mouse Trebuchet
Base: Wooden Base with Target / Fan Base
Cheese: Marble

It should be noted that at this point, you should not be using cheddar anymore. Using marble will greatly boost your progress, which is what we are aiming for. Swiss is nice to use, but not entirely necessary now. Remember, we are saving up as much as we can for new traps!

Once you have your set-up ready, sound away! You'll start catching mice and they'll start dropping packets of flour once your speed has increased. When you have collected 12 packets of flour, head to the cheese shoppe and purchase grilled cheese. Arm it, and try for the Captain Croissant! She's not a tough mouse to catch. When the windmill hits the top speed of 60 RPM, it will be repaired and will no longer lose its speed. This is required for completing "Repair the Windmill" in the adventure book.

In summary:
  • Arm marble and sound the horn
  • Collect packets of flour 
  • Purchase grilled cheese from the cheese shoppe (12 packets of flour for 1 piece of grilled cheese)
  • Catch the Captain Croissant mouse
Other than that, there isn't really much to do at the Apprentice level. Be patient and keep on saving that gold!


Congratulations on reaching the title of Initiate! You're almost done with the early ranks, it's time to head to the Harbour! Are you ready?

The Harbour makes available some new mice, most notably the Pirate, which fetches a handsome reward for its catch, as well as the burglar, which may drop brie cheese as loot. But let's not get ahead of ourselves first! You'll probably not have sufficient gold for the swiss army mouse trap yet. Not to fear! The trebuchet is still strong enough here, trust me. Set up your trebuchet, fan base and marble cheese and start hunting!

How's the hunting going? You'll start to notice that on some of your unsuccessful hunts, the mice can now steal gold, reduce your points by crippling your courage, and even steal extra pieces of cheese, yikes! When that happens, you get a 'red box' (the entry on your journal is highlighted red. Get used to it, you'll have plenty of those later on. Don't feel discouraged, it's part of the fun! If every hunt was successful, then the game wouldn't be fun, would it?

Hunting here, you may encounter the pirate mouse, which is worth 2,750 gold! They can pillage you quite a fair bit, however. Also, the burglar mouse may drop brie cheese and gilded cheese as loot. Save those cheese. For the gilded cheese, you will be needing it much, much later on so just save them for now.

Back to the progress. You goal in the harbour is to obtain the Calm Clearing Map Piece, which can be obtained from a Granite Mouse. It should not be too difficult. This will also complete "Discover the Harbour's Secrets" in the adventure book. Claim your reward and keep sounding the horn!

Finishing up Initiate Rank

Once you have saved up around 75,000 gold, it's time to get a new weapon upgrade!

Swiss Army Mouse Trap

1,200 power, 2% power bonus, 2% attraction bonus, 10 luck, no effect cheese effect

Cost: 70,300 gold / Point Requirement: 45,500 points

An excellent early game trap which will make most mice in the Gnawnia region relatively a breeze to catch. This trap will be your first big upgrade as it will be utilised quite a bit in the areas to come. Doesn't it just look really mean looking? Talk about lean, mean slicing machine!

Yay! You have your swiss army mouse trap! Admire it, the beauty of the trap. Done? Okay, good. You'll notice a huge improvement to your catch rate. It's time to finish up the Initiate rank and move on. 

Note: You'll also notice by now that weapons and bases sold in the trapsmith can be refunded, but at a much lower value than its their purchase price. Keep this in mind and make a careful decision first before buying trap components. This applies to certain items in the general store and the charm shoppe as well!

Before we leave the harbour, let's pay a visit to the General Store! Go to the "Shops" tab and you'll see "General Store". Click on it. You will be able to purchase curds and whey, salt and the dehydration base blueprints. Buy 213 salt and the dehydration base blueprints. Why, you ask? Well, we are going to do some crafting in just a while! So, we will need some crafting materials to do so! If you're short on gold, don't worry, you can always return to the harbour to purchase them. 

Time to move on to the title of Journeyman!

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